
Megan Linski
Action & Adventure, Historical Romance, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Christian Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
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- Member Since
Feb 2017
- Born
1 December
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Megan Linski is the owner of Gryfyn Publishing and has had a passion for writing ever since she was a little girl. Her specializations are romance, fantasy, and contemporary fiction for teens and adults. When not writing, she enjoys ice skating, horse riding, and being outdoors. She is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention, and is an active fighter against common variable immune deficiency disorder.
In December 2016, Megan signed a deal with Amazon's Kindle Press for her Kindle Scout Winner, Court of Vampires, published January 31, 2016. You can find Megan at, and receive a FREE book, The Witch's Curse, by signing up for her VIP List there.
Megan Linski also writes under the pen name of Natalie Erin for the Creatures of the Lands Series, co-authored with Krisen Lison.